Concept Learning

 Concept Learning

We learn our surrounding through 5 senses — eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin. We learn a lot of things during the entire life. Some of them are based on experience and some of them are based on memorization. On the basis of that we can divide learning methods into five types:

  • Rote Learning (memorization): Memorizing things without knowing the concept/ logic behind them.
  • Passive Learning (instructions): Learning from a teacher/expert.
  • Analogy (experience): Learning new things from our past experience.
  • Inductive Learning (experience): On the basis of past experience, formulating a generalized concept.
  • Deductive Learning: Deriving new facts from past facts.

Tom Mitchell defines the concept learning as — “Problem of searching through a predefined space of potential hypotheses for the hypothesis that best fits the training examples”

For detailed concept learning :


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