K-nearest neighbors (KNN)

K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a type of supervised ML algorithm which can be used for both classification as well as regression predictive problems. However, it is mainly used for classification predictive problems in industry. 

The following two properties would define KNN well 

Lazy learning algorithm − KNN is a lazy learning algorithm because it does not have a specialized training phase and uses all the data for training while classification.

Non-parametric learning algorithm − KNN is also a non-parametric learning algorithm because it doesn’t assume anything about the underlying data.

Working of KNN Algorithm

K-nearest neighbours (KNN) algorithm uses ‘feature similarity’ to predict the values of new datapoints which further means that the new data point will be assigned a value based on how closely it matches the points in the training set. We can understand its working with the help of the following steps −

Step 1 − For implementing any algorithm, we need a dataset. So during the first step of KNN, we must load the training as well as test data.

Step 2 − Next, we need to choose the value of K i.e. the nearest data points. K can be any integer.

Step 3 − For each point in the test data do the following −

  • 3.1 − Calculate the distance between test data and each row of training data with the help of any of the method namely: Euclidean, Manhattan or Hamming distance. The most commonly used method to calculate distance is Euclidean.

  • 3.2 − Now, based on the distance value, sort them in ascending order.

  • 3.3 − Next, it will choose the top K rows from the sorted array.

  • 3.4 − Now, it will assign a class to the test point based on the most frequent class of these rows.

Step 4 − End


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